iPhone Tricks and Tips for Siri in iOS 6

iPhone Tricks and Tips for Siri – Her powers increased!

Siri is a very powerful application and you really need to learn how to take full advantage of her. Siri has full access to your contacts so you can ask her anything you want like, What is “contact’s name” address or phone number. You can also ask Siri to find contacts for you by asking her a specific name or a list of your contacts with a certain last name.

iPhone tricks for Siri include the “establishing relationships” feature, and you can “mark” certain people with a relationship by saying “Maria is my mother” or “John is my brother” and then ask Siri to “call my brother at work” or “call my mother at home”. It is much easier to speak the word mother from her full name.

More iPhone Tricks and Tips for Siri

You can do certain actions with Siri, and with every iOS update she becomes more powerful. Siri now supports app launching, so you can ask her to “Open Photos” or “Play your favorite game” and sure she will open it for you.

When Siri was released, one of the best iPhone tricks was to ask her to create events, appointments and meetings. Siri is still able to do that ofcourse, but she can also do other helpful stuff too. Create meetings with specific people “Set up meeting with John at 10” or “Set up a meeting about shopping tomorrow at 10am”. You can also change the meeting you have by asking her to “Move my 10am meeting to 1pm” or “Add Maria to my meeting with John”.

More Siri iPhone Tricks for your events

Since Siri has full access to your calendar you can just ask her to tell you about anything, like “What does the rest of my day look like?” or “What do I have for Friday?”. One of the most helpful iPhone Tricks for Siri is that you can use her as your secretary by asking her “When is my meeting with John?” or “When/Where is my next meeting?”.

Siri iPhone tricks are numerous, so you can experiment by asking her about your alarms, timers, sending e-mails, social media, navigation, maps and many many more things.

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iPhone Tricks and Tips for Siri

iPhone Tricks and Tips for Siri

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