Is Cydia a blessing for the jailbreaken iPhone or iPad?

What is Cydia on jailbroken iPhone or iPad?

Cydia is an application store on the jailbroken iPhone or iPad which is the same as the nature of the AppStore from Apple or you can say Google Play by Google for Android OS. Like the AppStore we can download various applications from the Cydia store which is available right after doing jailbreak to your iDevices. The iDevices are basically various types of iPhones and iPads which are running the iOS from Apple. After doing jailbreak to your iPhone or iPad, Cydia will automatically appear on the screen besides of other applications. If someone gets bored with the same use of the normal and same iOS outlook, Cydia would definitely be counted as an angle from heaven for sure. This is because of the Cydia store which will open a new world in front of you which is totally different with the normal iOS outlook. A jailbreak iPhone or iPad is really the best tool to enhance the use of your iPhone or iPad.

Is there any problem with the use of Cydia and AppStore at the same time?

Cydia appears after jailbreaking your iPhone or iPad and it does not create any issue with other apps and also with the AppStore.  You can easily download apps from AppStore after doing jailbreak to your iPhone or iPad and also having Cydia on your device. You can download various apps simultaneously by using both the app store and Cydia on your jailbreak iPhone or iPad. Cydia will its own work at the same time when the App store will do its own.

Why Cydia is a blessing for the jailbroken iPhone or iPad?

The answer is very easy, you can able to have a numerous number of apps from the Cydia store without costing a single buck on your jailbreaked iPhone or iPad. Perhaps, there have lots of applications on Cydia which are not free at all, but you will get another huge amount of application and games which are totally free of costs. By using Cydia, you can every bit of fun which once thought only possible in dreams. Cydia on the jailbreaken iPhone or iPad will provide you the service which is beyond of your thought.