Instagram application for iPhone – Troubleshoot tutorial

Instagram application for iPhone – First troubleshooting steps

Instagram application is one of the most popular application for iPhone users and unfortunately many people have issues doing certain actions with it. Fortunately everything is fixable, and you can read our detailed tutorial of how to troubleshoot Instagram application and use its 100%. Some of the most common error codes people encounter during photo posting are: “This page contains the Following Errors: error on line 2 at column 180: EntityRef: Expecting ‘;’Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error. ” or “This page contains the Following Errors: error on line 2 at column 186: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’ Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.”

Update Applications:

Always have the latest version of the application you are using, and the same goes for instagram. You need to update the application that support instagram, like facebook or Twitter.

Proper Configuration of Instagram:

Sometimes, when you update either Facebook or Instagram application, settings are cleared, which creates connectivity issues. In Instagram Settings, click Sharing and redo the facebook connection. Disconnect and then reconnect your Facebook account in Instagram application and then try to post a picture.

More Instagram application troubleshooting tips

Reset Network Settings:

From Settings -> General -> Reset and then Reset Network Settings, you can choose to reset everything around your network settings of your iPhone.

Restart your iPhone:

This solution is a classic one, and it is a solution not only for Instagram application, but it can be used for the majority of the Error Codes. If you have too many open applications, they can consume very large memory and prevent other application to run properly.

Instagram application – TroubleShooting Tips

If nothing of the above helps, then your best option is to get in touch with the Instagram application developers and report them your problem.

If you are having problems to apply all the above troubleshooting solutions, feel free to get in touch with us via our Free Support Page. You can subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter for FREE, and stay up to date for the latest troubleshooting tips of your favorite application.

Instagram application troubleshooting tips

Instagram application troubleshooting tips

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