Evernote application for iOS devices – How to fix Sync info not updated error

Evernote application for iDevices – Quick Review

Evernote application is a very powerful productivity tool and it is specially created for people that rely their work on having many notes. Evernote application makes the note taking extremely easy, it is only a one click note creation process and you can easily attack almost anything you want, from a word file to a photo or video. It supports several features like audio recordings, tags, location to notes and many more.

Fix Sync info not updated error of Evernote application

Many users reported a lot of bugs to previous Evernote versions, and Sync info not updated error is one of them.

Some of the most common issues that users encountered in the past weeks and months are:

  • Deleting notes and then Evernote immediately restores them
  • Some notes with two or more audio notes inside it are failing to sync and they cannot be deleted
  • While editing a note, Evernote application restores its previous configuration
  • Often crashed of Evernote application

Although those error might seem very difficult to be solved, you can fix them including the Sync info not updated error.

How to Fix Sync info not updated and the other errors for Evernote application?

The Evernote support team, announced that if you are trying to edit a note several times in a very small time period, it can probably cause a pending sync issue on Evernote. This is the main reason that the above errors appear on Evernote Application, because pending sync error is linked with the above actions.

The solution for it is to edit a note, place the cursor behind the last audio clip and hit the return key and add a few characters to test it. You need to copy and paste your audio notes to a new note first, because it will drop all the audio notes after the first one.

One more way to fix this issue, is to always update the Evernote application to its latest version, because the Evernote team of developers are constantly updating and fixing these kind of errors.

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Evernote application troubleshooting

Evernote application troubleshooting