Dropbox application for iPhone/iPad – Trouble with Dropbox syncing

Dropbox application for iOS devices – Quick Review

Dropbox application is a very popular software and you can download and install it to your iDevice. This application allows you to upload any file you want (2GB for free and then extra fees for more) and then you are able to reach them from any device you want that has installed the Dropbox application.

More specifically, Dropbox application provides you:

  1. Bring all your files with you when you are on the go
  2. You can add files to your Favorites for a fast and offline view
  3. Very easy upload of your photos and videos to your Dropbox space
  4. Share your files for FREE with your friends and family

How to fix the Trouble with Dropbox syncing error?

There are a few solutions for fixing the Trouble with Dropbox syncing error.

Date & Time Solution:

  1. For iPhone and iPad, you need to make sure that your Date and Time is correct and it is highly recommended to enable the Set Automatically option (Settings -> General -> Date & Time).

Solution 2:

It is recommended to apply the following steps while you are connected to Wi-Fi.

Disable Dropbox sync on all devices:

  1. From the Day One home screen tap on the Settings.
  2. Then Tap on Sync and turn Dropbox switch to OFF.

Enable Dropbox sync:

You should first do it to your iPhone or iPad before enablaing it on your Mac, and you should do this only on one device at a time.

  1. Tap on Settings, then Tap Sync and turn Dropbox switch to ON.
  2. The follow the instructions for authorizing and syncing.
  3. Wait until the initial sync completes, you will see something like “Last Sync: “Month/Day/Year/Time” in the Settings->Sync menu on your iDevice.
  4. Enable Dropbox sync to your other iDevices and wait for any changes to sync to your Mac machine.
  5. Then you need to find the Journal.dayone file to your Mac. (Open your Dropbox home folder in Finder. Right click on Dropbox menu bar icon and select Open Dropb Folder. Find Apps folder double-click it in Finder to open it. Inside there will be Day One folder and you will see a Journal.dayone file.
  6. After you double click it you will be asked if you want to use this file. After clicking Yes all your iDevices will be synced.

The Trouble with Dropbox syncing error is now fixed

If the above solutions did not fix the Trouble with Dropbox syncing error, then you should disable Dropbox on all iDevices and delete the Day One folder. Then start from the beginning the Second solution and everything will be fixed. This is happening because Day One folder was not created properly.

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Dropbox application - Trouble with Dropbox syncing error

Dropbox application – Trouble with Dropbox syncing error